We Fall In Love, Get Hurt, We Move On.

What Goes Arond-Comes Around
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In my life, I consciously avoid causing harm to others because I firmly believe in the concept of "Karma."

My actions stem from a personal conviction rather than any external influence. I understand that by doing good, I invite positivity into my life, and by engaging in negativity, I open the door to unfavorable outcomes. This principle transcends boundaries—it's a universal law that applies not only to mankind but also extends to the animal kingdom.

The notion of karma, deeply rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism, encompasses the sum of a person's actions in their current and past lives, shaping their destiny in future existences. On a more informal level, it reflects the idea that the consequences of our actions, whether perceived as good or bad luck, are direct outcomes of our behavior and choices.

The hadith, "As you condemn, you will be judged," was referenced by Al-Ajlouni in Kashf Al-Khifa, yet it was deemed weak by Al-Albani in Da’eef Al-Jami’. Its essence embodies the principle that one's actions determine their recompense—a concept reiterated in the saying that "the reward is of the same type as work." Al-Manawi elaborated in Fayd Al-Qadeer, explaining that as individuals take certain actions, they will receive a corresponding reward or penalty. This concept suggests that the initial action sets the precedent, leading to either a reward or a punishment based on that action. This aligns with the idea conveyed in the Qur'an: "The recompense for an evil deed is an evil like it." This notion underscores the correlation between actions and their outcomes, with the resulting consequences mirroring the nature of the initial deed. Al-Maidani further clarified that the principle could be understood straightforwardly: just as individuals reward others based on their actions, they themselves will receive recompense for their own deeds.

At some point in our lives, we experience the thrill and wonder of falling in love. But as relationships progress, things can take unexpected turns. Whether it's a change within ourselves or a shift in our partner's behavior, dynamics can alter.

In certain relationships, one partner may withhold their emotions, leading to misinterpretation and misunderstandings, which, in turn, result in a breakdown of communication. However, true love often finds a way to navigate through these challenges, striving to resolve issues together.

Then there are those relationships where we pour our hearts out, passionately loving and giving our all, only to be left disappointed by our partner's distant behavior. We grant them space, time to reflect, and whatever they might need to feel at ease to open up. Yet, despite our patience, a profound sense of loneliness seeps in, making it difficult to share anything meaningful. It's disheartening, yet we endure it, hoping for a breakthrough.

Sometimes, when we muster the courage to confront them and seek answers, they remain silent or dismissive. We inquire if they wish to end the relationship, only to receive a response urging patience. We've been patient because we care deeply, striving to comprehend their struggles. Yet, they deny us the chance to understand or even allow us into their world. Eventually, despite our enduring love, the distance between us grows to the point where it feels as though we never crossed paths at all. On that fateful day, it felt like we faded away from their lives as if we were never a part of it. Emotionally tormented, we cried incessantly, praying fervently for guidance. Little did we know, the redemption from this turmoil lay in departing and never looking back.

Love, sometimes, demands letting go, even if it leaves a profound scar in our hearts that seems impossible to erase until a love even more profound comes along.

In a strange turn of events, as life starts to flourish without their presence, the past love resurfaces, hoping for renewed closeness. Yet, reality doesn't operate on those terms, does it? For the instant they departed, karma began weaving its intricate threads into their own life for the actions they've taken. Now, grappling with their own consequences, they're unsure how to navigate it. Perhaps they believe returning will absolve all the karmic debts, as if the emotions they caused us meant nothing to their conscience.

Anoud once said: "The moment you start loving someone better than the past, suddenly, the past creeps back in, playing the role of a friend, yearning to be close again, as if the pain they caused never existed."

It's as if they sense your happiness in finding someone new or beginning a fresh chapter without them, a compelling force pulling them back into your life. Yet, upon encountering them, the torrent of emotions they once evoked now merely trickles. Even the most cherished memories hold no weight, for the hurt they inflicted ran too deep.

So, what do they seek in reappearing now? Their presence no longer rattles your heart or stirs your emotions. You've truly healed, forgiven, moved on, and embarked on a new journey. Embrace this newfound chapter and relish life limitlessly!

Arafa Alhammadi 
The Alchemy of Souls
