We Fall In Love, Get Hurt, We Move On.

What Goes Arond-Comes Around
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I strive to live my life without causing harm to others, guided by a belief in the principle of "karma."

Actions bring about consequences—positivity invites goodness, while negativity often leads to unfavorable outcomes. This universal law applies not only to humans but also to all living beings.

In essence, karma reflects the idea that every action has an equal and fitting consequence. As stated in the Qur'an:
"The recompense for an evil deed is an evil like it." (42:40).

Similarly, the concept is echoed in the saying, "As you condemn, you will be judged," emphasizing that the outcomes of our deeds mirror their nature. This principle, deeply rooted in wisdom, teaches that our actions set the precedent for the rewards or challenges we face in life.

In relationships, the journey of love often begins with joy and wonder. However, as time passes, dynamics can change unexpectedly. Misunderstandings, emotional distance, and unspoken feelings may arise, causing challenges that test the strength of the bond.

Some relationships face moments where communication breaks down, yet true love seeks to navigate these struggles, finding ways to heal and grow together. In other cases, despite patience and effort, the emotional gap widens, leaving one partner feeling unheard and unvalued.

There are moments when letting go becomes the greatest act of love—both for oneself and the other person. It allows for growth, healing, and the possibility of finding a deeper and more fulfilling connection in the future.

Sometimes, as life flourishes after separation, the past reappears, seeking reconciliation. Yet, by then, the wounds have healed, and the lessons have been learned. Moving forward becomes an act of strength and self-respect, embracing new beginnings with an open heart.

Love teaches us resilience and the power to rebuild, reminding us to cherish the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Arafa Al Hammadi
The Alchemy of Souls
